Hello world!
An awesome website is coming soon to this address!   The web hosting service for this web page is provided by computersprings.com Our client is still working on their website, but...
Gardening, Uncategorized
Owning a high ranking restaurant
On the other hand, perfection can also haunt some of us to the point of inaction. While some are too quick to act and end up wasting resources, others are...
Personal, Uncategorized
City’s finest gourmet food
Some of us are quick to jump into building (what to us seem like) brilliant products, to the point of pixel perfection, without even stopping to ask whether our user...
Food & Drinks, Uncategorized
Premium taco shells
Have you ever spent an overwhelming amount of time and resources designing something that a client or user discards in a matter of seconds? I’ve seen it happen far many...
Food & Drinks, Uncategorized
Fancy Shellfish on Vinegar
On the other hand, perfection can also haunt some of us to the point of inaction. While some are too quick to act and end up wasting resources, others are...
Food party up in here
Northwestern University found that “the practice of low-fidelity prototyping… led to reframing failure as an opportunity for learning, fostering a sense of forward progress, and strengthening beliefs about creative ability.”...
The Miracle of SPA
In a 2012 study of the psychological experience of prototyping, researchers at Stanford and Northwestern University found that “the practice of low-fidelity prototyping… led to reframing failure as an opportunity...
Personal, Uncategorized
A bridge between food and health
On the other hand, perfection can also haunt some of us to the point of inaction. While some are too quick to act and end up wasting resources, others are...
Recipes, Uncategorized
Historical site of Yore
On the other hand, perfection can also haunt some of us to the point of inaction. While some are too quick to act and end up wasting resources, others are...
How to make the best pizza
Have you ever spent an overwhelming amount of time and resources designing something that a client or user discards in a matter of seconds? I’ve seen it happen far too...